You can sell at your own cost, get unlimited sender ID's and even more features as mentioned below. You can manage all your user accounts from your own website with ease. Our Bulk SMS Reseller portal covers not only SMS service, but also long code & short code service.
We provide 2 Different routes to meet any of your customer's demand and budget. With a huge delivery capacity of 1thousand SMS/sec sending Millions of messages can be done in a flick of an eye.
Critical Route : (both Transactional & Promotional) is for sending important alerts and timely Promotional SMS who require quicker SMS delivery and also comes with multiple retry mechanism which re-tries multiple times for up to 3 hrs if the user is not reachable or switched off at the moment you send SMS.
Not just that, every message sent on Critical route is shielded with 100% Delivery guarantee on active numbers with 10 seconds delivery SLA Guarantee for Transactional SMS.
Standard : (both Transactional & Promotional) routes can be used for bulk campaigns which are larger than 1 Lakh. We provide
Bulk SMS to resellers in India at affordable pricing without compromising the quality.