SMS API provider and
Bulk SMS API is sending promotional campaigns, transactional messages or
OTP SMS for marketing purposes using text messages SMS.
There are a whole host of aspects to consider and go through before committing to a partnership with an API platform.
Here are a few key aspects to keep in mind when picking a communications provider.
For a multinational sender or even a sender in a major market with multiple operators to handle, the issue of centralization is essential. Since having your own connections to each will take time to manage and might not be the most cost-efficient in the end.
Brokering deals and contracts takes time. Before testing APIs and software, procurement departments team up with technical teams to research potential SMS messaging partners, handle communication, and compare offers.
What to check for?
In addition to checking delivery quality, cost efficiency, and future orientation, compliance is also a key factor.
This includes both the lawfulness of the products and their use, the quality and transparency of the documents presented (e.g., the Service Agreements and Privacy Policy), physical security of the facilities where the data is stored and processed, as well as security measures applied to the systems and processes (e.g., encryption, limited access, 2FA, etc.)
You should compare the pricing in the market between service providers and operators such as what the average price is in the market for a specific volume of text messages, who is offering the cheapest price, and what you get for your money in the way of support, tools, features and future opportunities.